Friday March 21, 2025 6:00pm - 7:30pm CDT
Come and join us in honoring Brigid the three fold Goddess. In this ritual we will sing to her, we will journey with her, we will make pledges at her altar. Goddess of the forge, of the healing well, of the sacred songs, we honor you.
avatar for Gwion Raven

Gwion Raven

The Magick of Food
I am a tattooed Pagan, writer, traveler, musician, cook, kitchen witch,occult shop owner, and teacher. Although initiated in three magickal traditions (Avalon Druid Order, Reclaiming, & Gardnerian Wicca), I describe my practice as virtually anything that celebrates the wild, sensuous... Read More →
avatar for Phoenix LeFae

Phoenix LeFae

Owner, Milk & Honey
Phoenix LeFae (she/her) is equal parts blue eyed wanderer and passionate devotee to several deities. Her journey with Witchcraft started in 1993 when her athame was a wooden-handled butter knife stolen from her mom’s kitchen. Her love of magick and mystery has led her down many... Read More →
Friday March 21, 2025 6:00pm - 7:30pm CDT

Attendees (5)

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